Monday Meme Madness - That's not how it works edition
Well, it's another Monday and another time to look at silly memes about atheism. Sometimes I wonder if the ones I find are sincere or if they aren't poking fun at what theists say. The internet can be a silly place sometimes, and it can be hard to know. Today's at least do reflect things I've heard theists say, so it is worthwhile to take at look at what they have to say. Let's get into it. Meme #1: I had to write a paper about the human eye. Didn't research it, just said it was badly designed, therefore, evolution. Here we have the lazy student meme, floating around the internet to have a laugh at ourselves and others who procrastinate and/or don't do the work we're supposed to. Here, we have our lazy creationist version of the lazy student. My main question is what was this paper he was supposed to write supposed to be about. It would seem to me that a paper on the human eye would have to detail its components, connections to the brain, and t...