What's the Harm in Religion?

Sometimes I read or hear the question what is the harm of religion? And sure, I know a lot of ordinary people just leading their lives, quietly believing in their deity and attending the services of their choice. I know from talking to that sort of theist that they respect the establishment clause, care about science, and want others's beliefs respected. They have their religious belief in this compartment in their private lives and that type does not bother me.

However, they are not the only type. There's the kind like the post I came across today from AJ Smith's blog, whoever that it, that shows why some people worry about the harm of religion. He's not some bigwig in the Christian theocrats or tv evangelist crowd, and I don't imagine he has a lot of pull anywhere, so, yeah, he's some wackadoodle on the internet, but he is emblematic of what the issue is (I'm saying he, he might be a she, but it really doesn't matter and I'm not going to read more of this stuff to find out).

So Smith says he is "sick and tired of seeing: Christianity smeared, traditional marriage destroyed, good people mocked for believing in Jesus Christ." I don't quite know the specifics he means here. As far as I can tell, Christianity still dominates in the USA, and, with the current administration, religious people are getting a bonanza in terms of denying people their own rights. All I can think of is if you're being mocked or a belief system smeared, I don't see the big deal. They are just words and you should show yourself to be the bigger person by holding your head up. As for this line about traditional marriage, I think destroy is a bit excessive. Straight people are still getting married, in and out of church. I don't think marriage is necessary, myself. If people want to live together, fine. It's nothing to do with me.

Smith continues with the point of the post: "If Christianity is to survive in America, then it is time we start standing up and speaking out against people and organizations that disrespect us." Again, a bit hyperbolic here. If Christianity can be destroyed by disrespect, then it must not be very strong.

So, he goes on to enumerate how he will force everyone to be the way he wants it to be. The first one, and so important it doesn't require a number, is to outlaw immoral media. Riiight, because Christians never watch porn or play violent video games....

Second on the list is outlawing what he calls sexual immorality, including divorce. I think his fellow Christians won't be happy with that one! Here is an area that is very problematic. What Smith considers immoral, I don't. Two informed, consenting adults can do what they want in private on their own time. The real sexual immorality consists of things like rape and harassment.

Two number 3s make it onto the list: enforce a 6-day work week and make church mandatory. Somehow Smith is getting "bullied"? I think he must mean when government buildings are asked to remove overtly religious symbols. The churches where I live, in very blue NJ, always look full to me. I drove past a Catholic church and it was humming today. I guess there was a funeral since it isn't Sunday.

I somehow think Smith is also big on "freedom," but saying someone must observe the Sabbath and must go to church hardly fits the bill to me.

Then we have a few about school and government. #4 casts a wide net: "Keep liberals, Democrats, atheist (sic), and other ungodly people out of Government." Not sure why government gets a capital letter, but then there were two #3s so I'm not going to ponder this overly long. I wonder if Smith knows that there are plenty of liberals and democrats that are also Christians. Just like atheists, Christians span the spectrum of political beliefs. How else could democrats get elected?

Keeping with the government theme, we see #6 is voting for Christians and Christian values. This seems redundant because we will already be keeping ungodly people out of Government and according to #7 making Atheism and Islam illegal. I'm guessing too there's an unstated elision between communism and atheism since it is considered one of the deadliest religions. Do we need to reiterate that it is not a religion, and that communists did not commit atrocities because of the atheism part? My guess is it doesn't matter to Smith.

As for the school part, we get #5 "Teach real biblical science in schools." hahahahahahahahahaha! Real. Biblical. Science. Oh, that is funny. That will be a quick science class. "Look at how this animal behaves, isn't that amazing? It couldn't have evolved! The creator is so wise!"

Finally, #8, "Put God & prayer back in schools, government and public life" because Yahweh cannot go two seconds without being worshiped. I never did get why every aspect of our life had to be connected to god in some way. Does he really care about a public hearing concerning parking enforcement or the construction of a cell phone tower in the town? Is he really that into elementary school soccer games?

Smith concludes by saying these are just a few ideas because when he was a child "being a Christian was important for Americans now the nation worships false Gods and allow Satan to take control of the nation. (sic3)" I wonder how old this person is. Maybe in his community, but there have been people of different religions and no religion for a looooong time. The last line is a howler: "We need to fight for our rights and make American great again by making it Christian again." What rights? Please tell me what rights you have lost. Can you pray at home? Attend services of your choosing? Attend a Bible study of your choosing? Wear whatever religious paraphernalia you prefer or put a "Keep Christ in Christmas" magnet on your car or sign on your lawn? Can you observe your holy days? Then SHUT UP.

You can worship the way you choose. No one is stopping you. Maybe you read a negative article about Christians now and then. I'll tell you, your fellow Christians are not doing you any favors with the sex scandal, pedophilia, stories of embezzlement and other misdeeds. Anyway, when you read something negative, why don't you just smugly toss away whatever it is and think about how those people are going to burn in hell?

What Christians want in the name of their "rights," is the ability to dictate how others live. You can't choose your political or religious beliefs. You will be handed your new beliefs at the exit, and don't forget your punch card. If you come to 9 Bible studies, you get a free King James version of the Bible and a cup of coffee. If you're gay, sorry, you are an abomination. Too bad if you can't find a job or housing, and you definitely can't get married. You're trans? Sorry, you're an abomination. Stick to the gender given at birth and too bad if you're miserable, bullied, shunned, fired, etc. But Jesus loves you. You are in a miserable marriage? Too bad, you made a bad choice, you live with the consequences.

All I can say is this is not a recipe for freedom and self-actualization.

Make America great again? More like make American miserable.


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