Random Events
I have heard a lot of strange stories from people supposedly
offering evidence for the existence of some god. Usually, the person has prayed
to god to provide a sign of his existence, and at some point in time later an
event occurs which is interpreted as the sign. I've heard things like, I prayed
and then a moth flew in the window. I prayed and two weeks later while I was
cleaning out the garage I found a Bible I had forgotten about. I prayed and a
month later someone invited me to church. These are the kinds of occurrences
offered as "proof" of an all-powerful, all-knowing god.
To my ears as an atheist, none of this is remotely
compelling. There are all sorts of random events in our lives that are
discarded without a thought, even though a lot of Christians want to claim that
our lives are being guided by their deity. In the case of Catholics, the list
of helpers in our lives extends to the Virgin Mary and all the saints too.
There's even a saint to help you find lost objects.
It is true that as humans there are events that can bring
about changes in ourselves, how we see the world, and our behaviors. We might,
for example, remember an event that showed us that the world is not as safe as
we had imagined, that a hero we revered was only human, or that a respected
friend or colleague was dishonest. We might be the cause of some harm or damage
that brought to light some bad tendency in ourselves that we realized needed
What I'm saying is that I am not denying the reality of
significant events that reveal some truth that had been previously hidden, but
these are personal revelations about ourselves and/or the world. How can a
random event truly reveal the supernatural realm? A mundane event like those
mentioned above, even if they have some attachment to religion, strikes me as
cherry-picking. Saying "I prayed and found a cross I had put away, so god
exists," is vastly different from "I found out Ted had been using
company money for personal expenses, so he is not as honest as I
imagined." The first is not connected to the conclusion at all. God did
not magic a cross into existence. That person found a cross he or she had
already owned. If you came across an old photo you had forgotten, what would
that say? On the other hand, if I think Ted is an upstanding individual and I
find evidence he has lied or stolen, his actions have changed my view of him.
It always strikes me that these supposed signs of god are
fairly lame with no deadline attached. He can do whatever and act whenever he
wants. The defense theists offer is that god does things in his own time. We
can't compel him. I guess I just wonder why a supposed all-loving god would
make you wait. Sure, let's just assume that this god does things the way he
wants, but making you wait because he can is not a sign of an all-loving god.
If your boss made you wait for something you asked for to show his power over
you, you would think he was a jerk. Why is god different? Why does god need to
continually flaunt his superiority?
The fact of the matter is, we humans can find meaning in any
random event. Here is a true story from my recent life: I woke up in the middle
of the night to find the cats had brought a mouse into the bedroom. They were
messing around with it, as cats do. It was still alive and I found a way to get
it out of the house: I covered it with a glass bowl and put some file folders
underneath it. My plan was to take the mouse outside and let it go. It worked
well until I go to the door, where I jostled something at the door causing
folders and bowl to slide out of my hands onto the deck where the bowl promptly
shattered into millions of pieces. Well, at least the mouse was out of the
house. Since it was 4 a.m., I decided not to clean up the mess and went back to
Can I find meaning in this story? Absolutely! If my life
were a novel, I could see myself in that tiny mouse, picked on by tormentors
(the cats) and scooped up deus ex machina style and unceremoniously dumped to
my salvation. Or, maybe my life is the bowl, shattered by some revelation,
never to be rejoined into the shape of its former self.
Imagine if I had prayed to god for a sign! I could really go to town with this story and
inject supernatural meaning everywhere including demonic forces trying to tempt
me away from my True Path.
Our lives are full of empty occurrences into which we inject
meaning as we create the narrative of our existence. None of this lends any
credence to the existence of forces beyond the natural acting upon us. The
pattern is not really in the events - it's in our own mind.
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