Monday Meme Madness - Welcome to October

It's Monday, so it must be time for some memes. Certainly there are plenty to choose from. Today I thought I'd look at Christian memes that are just attempts at some kind of humor.

The first up: "You want me to choose between you and Jesus? There's the door."

I like that the meme-maker chose to go with these extremes in moods, as if to convey an unstable person.

As far as memes go, it makes sense. I understand the message. I realize a person is trying to make a stand about what matters. The thing I don't really get is why make the meme? Memes usually are trying to be funny or clever or make some broad point about life. I also wonder how many people are actually asking this person to make the choice between them and Jesus. Is this a thing? Is this something people go around doing? Are there lots of people in life that demand you make a choice between them and "the living God"? Presumably, most of your friends and relatives already share your religion or something like it.

Maybe this is for those heathens like me who want to talk you out of your religion... I don't know. This meme just seems like it's more theoretical than real.

Series of memes on guys picking up girls. There are plenty of these memes of guys looking for love with a Christian lady. I find them a little creepy. Here is just a small selection.

"Hey Girl, I heard you like Christ-Following me well, look no further."

What's with the random capitalization and punctuation?  Why are Girl and Following capitalized? 

This one is pretty lame as far as memes go. It's another one where I think, why? Why did the person feel this was necessary? Is that the only quality this person has to offer? I think I'd continue looking if the meme were aimed at me.

"Is it hot in here or is it the holy spirit burning inside you?

I guess Christian memes have to maintain some relevance to popular culture, amiright?

This meme seems a bit blasphemous. I mean, is the holy spirit supposed to be making the whole damn room hot? Is the holy spirit making this guy horny? Is it the fact that it is a supposedly Jesus-loving girl making this guy hot? 

"The Bible says to think about whatever is pure and lovely... So I've been thinking about you all day."

This one seems like another blasphemous meme. I do like the irony of a guy supposedly thinking about what is pure and lovely by thinking of some girl - and I don't think he was just thinking about how godly she is...

Is this what they teach young guys in church these days?

"Hey girl, I know that I just met you on this mission trip, but here's my number, can I pursue you maybe?"

Well, this one is sad. It doesn't have the umph of the above blasphemy and it's not cute, clever or funny. The only think it's got going for it is the image of Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and if I were him I'd demand someone make this a better meme.


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