It's the sabbath, what will you do?


          One of the commandments is to keep holy the sabbath, and there are lots of other commands (mitzvot) in the Bible about what you can't do. I'm amused by the stories of Jews who still hold to these ancient rules about a day of the week and go to lengths to be able to lead their lives uninterrupted by the sabbath rules. Among my favorites is the string some Jewish towns put up to create a space that becomes everyone's home so they can circumvent the rules. Also a good one, elevators that just stop at every floor so the Orthodox do not commit the sin of "starting a fire" by pushing a button. If you can find a work-around, what is the point of the rule?

            Of course Christians don't keep the sabbath holy. Their day is Sunday, and that's when you're supposed to go to your church.  Some clever Catholics get out of the Sunday service by going to mass on Saturday before they head to dinner. They've done their weekly duty and now they too can sleep in!

            One of the perplexing aspects of some religions is the establishment of some holy day of the week to set aside "for your god." I suppose for ancient religions, this seems normal, that we puny humans need to give up everything else and dedicate ourselves to contemplation and prayer. It's not enough that other days you might read a Bible passage or say a prayer. You need a full day to remind yourself of your place in the world and who is on top of the hierarchy. Of course, even our days of the week are named for deities: today is Saturday, Saturn's day and tomorrow is Sunday, day for the sun (god).

            Don't get me wrong, I do think we benefit from "days of rest." I think breaks from work to recharge and refresh aid productivity and creativity. However, the notion that your deity wants (needs) a whole day each week set aside for his own worship in addition whatever other holidays you must celebrate as a reminder of the order of the universe does not make sense.

            For me, neither day is "holy." They weekend is one of life's little pleasures. Generally speaking, they are "empty" days, days when I control my own schedule. Monday through Friday, work controls a lot of the day.

            I relish the empty schedule. What will you do with your sabbath?


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