More anti-LGBTQ Rhetoric from a True Christian(tm)

If it weren't so insidious and hateful, it would be amusing to consider the laser-focus on LGBTQ issues that obsess Christian conservatives in the US. Jesus certainly was more concerned with wealth and power, and he never talks about this issue. Yeah, Paul was against it, but he also thought it was better to abstain from all sex, and I don't see lots of Christians taking that too seriously!

So enter Creationist Museum, Ark Encounter ignoramus KenHam, who had a guest on to talk about his efforts to "take back the rainbow." The rainbow is a sign of "God's covenant" and doesn't belong in the hands of LGBTQ movements, who are anti-God, anti-Christ, anti-Christian.

The reason I find this amusing, well, maybe bemusing, is that there are Christians (and Jews.... and Muslims...) who are LGBTQ. They do not reject god and/or Christianity. And further, there are plenty of Christian groups that reject Ham's particular statements. There are groups that are welcoming to those that Ham would reject.

Also, do I need to add that merely existing and wanting equal rights is not the same as being anti-anything. There are groups that do not eat pork, is the existence of pork-eating people an anti-Jewish or anti-Muslim statement? Well, maybe Ham would say yes. There are certainly plenty of anti-Muslim people that joke about coating bullets and other paraphernalia in pork when dealing with Muslims.

A particular quote from Ham in his show has to do with backlash to the Ark Encounter, which has nothing with LGBTQ issues: it has been "hate-filled, filled with expletives, sexual perversions, and blasphemy" all of which are a sign of "the anti-Christ sentiment in this nation, and the vitriol that is going against Christianity."

Without knowing the details that Ham is referencing, what is most striking is the lack of attention to content. Ham is tone-policing, really, but he justifies the lack of real response by claiming that because the tone of the criticisms is anti-Christianity the content can be dismissed out of hand. This is a man who has said nothing will change his opinion about creationism because he wears his god-goggles and science just has to comport with his literalist reading of his holy book (just go look at his debate with Bill Nye).

Sure some of the critics of Ken Ham may have simply tweeted or emailed messages devoid of content that simply said the equivalent of "Screw you" or "You're an idiot." But to the extent his project has been criticized (from its anti-science basis to the waste of tax-payer dollars for what really is a vanity project to the recent attempts by Ham to skirt paying any taxes at all; I won't link to any particular article; there are plenty out there for you to Google), Ham does not respond to the content. His stance is the definition of anti-skepticism: he has a position from which he will not budge. The criticism may indeed be full of all manner of expressions that Ken Ham does not approve of, that does not nullify the criticism.

And for those considering a trip to the Bluegrass State, there are plenty of other places to visit that are worth your while. Take it from this Jersey girl who was born in Louisville, Kentucky is a beautiful state. Why not go to Mammoth Cave? Or entertain your inner teenager by saying you'll go to Big BoneLick (yes, it's a place)? Go sample some Kentucky Bourbon or visit the HorsePark set in rolling hills where you'll see actual bluegrass. Go to Louisville where you can ride on a steamboat, visit Louisville Slugger, catch a horse race, and, oh visit a sciencemuseum.


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